Peck Scholar Program: Excellence in Leadership and Community Service

Award Type: Scholarship

Applicant must have been accepted to the college as a full time student. Exceptional citizenship and community participation must be demonstrated through providing a detailed account of ongoing community service, volunteer activity, leadership roles, and responsibilities. Statement addressing future goals for community involvement is also required.

Award Amount

Number of Awards

Maximum: 1

Deadlines & Renewal

March 15
Award is for four years provided the recipient performs satisfactorily in their academic program.

Eligibility Requirements

More Details

Sponsoring Organization

Alverno College

3400 South 43rd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53234

(414) 382-6000
(414) 382-6354

Contact Information

Alverno College
3400 South 43rd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53234
(414) 382-6000
(414) 382-6354

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