NEH Fellowship

Award Type: Fellowship

Applicant must be an academic, museum, or independent scholar, and be a U.S. citizen or have been a U.S. resident for at least three years. Award is not for dissertation research. Award is a residential research fellowship in Winterthur's library and museum collections.

Award Amount

Maximum: $30,000
Minimum: $30,000
Average: $30,000

Number of Awards

Average: 3

Deadlines & Renewal

January 15

Eligibility Requirements

anthropology, archaeology, architectural history, art history, cultural history, decorative arts, African-American culture, folklore, historic preservation, history of technology, material culture, social history, urban studies, women's history

More Details

Sponsoring Organization

Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library

5105 Kennett Pike
Winterthur, DE 19735

(302) 888-4649
(302) 888-4870

Contact Information

Advanced Studies Office

(302) 888-4649

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