HENAAC Scholars Program

Award Type: Scholarship

Applicant must be a graduating high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who is of Hispanic descent or has demonstrated significant leadership and community service within the Hispanic community. Applicant must plan to attend or is currently attending a two- or four-year college or university in the United States or Puerto Rico pursuing a degree in science, technology, or math (health and medical fields are not eligible). Minimum 3.0 GPA required.

Award Amount

Maximum: $10,000
Minimum: $500
Average: $1,000

Number of Awards

Maximum: 100
Average: 85

Applicants: 600

Deadlines & Renewal

April 30
Recipient must re-apply each year.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Minimum GPA 3.00

engineering, mathematics, science

More Details

Sponsoring Organization

Great Minds in STEM

602 Monterey Pass Road
Monterey Park, CA 91754

(323) 262-0997
(323) 262-0946

Contact Information

Gary A. Cruz, Ph.D.
Sr. Manager, University Programs
602 Monterey Pass Road
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 262-0997 ext. 775

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