Lincoln University

Lincoln University, PA 19352
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Lincoln University is one of the forty-four public 4-year colleges in Pennsylvania. The campus is located in a suburb, in Lincoln University.

According to the NCES 2017 report, a total of 2,266 students attend the school. In the 2017 fall enrollment, 664 freshman students enrolled, and approximately 452 students returned for their sophomore year (which makes its freshman retention rate 68%). Every year 46% of the graduating class students graduate in 150% of the time it takes to complete their studies.

Lincoln University's in-state tuition for the 2017-2018 academic year was $7,674, and fees were $3,705. Out-of-state tuition and fees for the same period were $12,684 and $4,467 respectively.

Institution Overview

Campus LocaleLarge Suburb
Number of Students2,266
Student to Faculty Ratio15:1
Is Admission OpenNo
Religious Affiliation -
On Campus HousingYes
Retention Rate68%

Nursing Programs

Nursing Programs Graduates (2017-2018 academic year)

Number of Graduates
Degree type Men Women
Bachelor's degree 2 12
Average NCLEX pass rate
  • NCLEX-RN: 50.4%

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Institutional Accreditations
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
07/01/1922 - Current
Nursing Programs Accreditations
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the baccalaureate degree levels
02/11/2015 - Current



Acceptance Rate
Enrolled students test score (Fall 2017)
SAT870 to 1070
ACT16 to 21
Admission considerations
Secondary school GPA Required
Secondary school rank Considered but not required
Secondary school record Required
Completion of college-preparatory program Neither required nor recommended
Recommendations Neither required nor recommended
Formal demonstration of competencies Neither required nor recommended
Admission test scores (SAT/ACT) Required
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Required
Other Test (Wonderlic, WISC-III, etc.) Neither required nor recommended

In addition to the college's admission requirements each nursing program might have its own admission criteria (such as: TEAS score, HESI A2 score, nursing prerequisites GPA, etc).
Application fee
Undergrads $20
Graduates $50

Cost to Attend

The following table details the reported cost of attendance per credit hour for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Undergrad courses
In District Students$457/credit
In State Students$457/credit
Out of State Students$701/credit
Graduate courses
In District Students$567/credit
In State Students$567/credit
Out of State Students$949/credit

Tuition Estimates

Based on the above credit hour costs, here is a sample tuition for different nursing programs.

Program Credit Hours In district In State Out of State
LPN 45 $20,565 $20,565 $31,545
ADN 70 $31,990 $31,990 $49,070
BSN 125 $57,125 $57,125 $87,625
FNP 50 $28,350 $28,350 $47,450
Please note that the above cost estimate does not include school fees, books, supplies, etc.You need to allot additional money for that.
If you attend a private, for-profit school, usually the additional cost (besides tuition) is about 10% of the tuition. If you attend a public school or a not-for-profit private school, the additional cost is around 50% of the tuition.

Financial Aid

In 2017-2018 academic year, 99% of Lincoln University's students received financial aid. Below is the breakdown of the financial aid provided to students.

Students Receiving Aid Average Amount/Student
Pell Grant 67% $4,774
Other Federal Grant 21% $1,499
State Grant & Scholarships 32% $3,022
Institutional Grant & Scholarships 51% $7,056
Federal Student Loans 87% $6,834
Private Loans 5% $13,910


Average Net Price
The average net price is calculated by subtracting the average amount of financial aid received by students from the total cost of attendance.
Average Net Price by Family Income
Less than $30,000$17,191
$30,001 to $48,000$17,157
$48,001 to $75,000$20,254
$75,001 to $110,000$23,678
Over $110,000$24,395

Calculate your net price

Student Population













Ethnic Diversity
Black/African American
Race/ethnicity unknown
Non-resident alien
Two or more races
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

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Data source: (2017-2018 colleges survey) and Pennsylvania state board of nursing.
Lincoln University
1570 Baltimore Pike
Lincoln University, PA 19352

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