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Free NCLEX Questions and Study Guides

If you are gearing up to take the NCLEX exam and you are looking for free resources to help you with your study, you have come to the right place. Whether you are a book learner or you prefer an in-person class or an online interactive study material, there are a lot of services and courses out there that can help you get ready for the NCLEX. But you have to spend a few hundred dollars or even thousands in some cases to buy these books and courses. However, if you are strapped for cash, you can use free resources instead. Some of these resources are created by nursing students just like you to help out fellow students and some […]

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32 NCLEX Review Services and Courses With Price

Preparing for the NCLEX exam is something that every nursing student must take seriously. This is not a simple little test that has some cutesy true and false; it is a comprehensive exam that will test your knowledge and assessment skills to the limits. You will need to be able to integrate nursing processes through ascertaining the cognitive ability and needs of your patients. Whether it’s psychosocial integrity, health promotion, and maintenance, or physiological integrity — you’ve got to know the difference and rightly apply it in every patient scenario that you are presented with. As much as your instructors have prepared you for this test throughout your nursing school years, it is strongly recommended that each nursing school graduate […]

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Being a Nurse is a Great Career! Student Loans, Not So Much!

Nursing jobs offer job security, prestige, personal satisfaction, and excellent wages and benefit packages. The nursing profession needs quality nurses, and that translates to educated nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a nursing shortage through 2020. A gallop poll survey ranked nurses as “the most trusted profession for 15 years in a row.”  Jobs are plentiful as nurses work in every state, city, and town in a wide variety of roles earning good wages and excellent benefits. Also, nurses have the incredible satisfaction of saving and changing patient’s lives. The Nursing Profession Needs Educated Nurses There is a nationwide campaign for nurses to achieve higher education. Studies show that patient outcomes improve dramatically when the bulk of the […]

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