Author Archive

Mairi Chisholm and Elsie Knocker

The Brave Nurses of World War I

Soldiers were not the only heroes of the First World War, there were hundreds of inspirational women truly devoted to their cause…not the taking of lives, but the saving of lives – the brave nurses of World War I. Between the years of 1914 and 1919, war raged throughout the world, resulting in over 37 million casualties – 20 million of which were wounded and an estimated 17 million killed. It was one of the deadliest wars is human history, yet there were some brave women who risked becoming one of these casualties, to help preserve and save human life. Nurses throughout the First World War, eased the pain, and treat the wounds of a constant stream of soldiers as […]

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Nursing Ethics – Ethical Dilemmas Faced By Nurses Everyday

Ethics is the study of practical reasoning. Nurses face ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Ethical behavior is determined by many factors. What one person considers ethical may be vastly different from a person approaching a situation with a different point of view. The word ethics is derived from the Greek word for character. Nurses are charged with using ethical concepts in their delivery of patient care. Ethical concepts include providing care which is good, correct, and rational. Patients need to be provided opportunities to express their freedom of choice in procuring services and determining how they want to be cared for. The ethical nurse recognizes that he or she is obligated to provide individualized care which will assist the […]

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Ten Tips to Getting Hired for Nursing Graduates

Recent statistics and news stories lead people to believe that there is no current nursing shortage. Nothing could be further from the truth.  I say this despite having friends who have been unable to find employment as nurses. New graduates are frustrated since employers are not hiring. Nurses in the workforce are frustrated due to working without enough staff. All statisticians agree that the nursing workforce is aging. At least one million nurses will be retiring within the next ten years. In addition, as baby boomers age, the need for nurses will increase dramatically. However, at this time, health care organizations are feeling a budget crunch. Nurses are needed, but positions are not being filled due to financial setbacks and […]

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